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Recent Blog Posts
Design Speak: Press CheckMarch 9, 2022 - 3:57 pm
I realize that sometimes it seems like graphic designers (and printers) have their own language. I’ve started the Design Speak series here on my blog so I can help clarify some of these terms you may hear, but not totally understand. Has your printer ever asked you if you want to do a press check? […]
Why You Should Care about your Lead Magnet DesignJune 1, 2020 - 4:14 pm
These days, so many marketers or entrepreneurs offer a lead magnet to gather information on perspective customers. Often, it will be a downloadable PDF in exchange for a name and email address. Maybe an eBook, a checklist, or a case study. It helps you in future marketing efforts because then you’ve got some information on […]
Design Speak: Hi Res and Low ResJune 21, 2019 - 3:27 pm
I realize that sometimes it seems like graphic designers (and printers) have their own language. I’ve started the Design Speak series here on my blog so I can help clarify some of these terms you may hear, but not totally understand. The terms hi res and low res are used to describe photos, but admittedly […]